Acts 2:

46So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart,

47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

Principles of obtaining favour with all men as believers are in the Christian mannerisms!! It all circumspect how we converse with one another irrespective of the forces working contrary to purposes of our Koinonia.
The apostles together with the disciples of the first church were committed to various conducts around one another, but there are these that stood/stands out as cannons that cemented their favour that they were constantly and incredibly increasing.
They had a mannerism that was consistent with the purpose set before them. They-:

  1. Continued daily with one accord: Anyone who overlooks and underestimates unity is doomed to destruction. Psalm 133. God’s blessing among His people abides and flows along/in the bonds of oneness.
  2. Broke bread from house to house (Unconditional fellowship with one another): The strongest bond between men is only instilled/captivated in fellowship (Koinonia). The Apostles observed this religiously until non had his own-thing, but everything was everyone’s.
  3. Ate their bread with gladness and singleness/simplicity of heart: A complex/proud family no matter how organized it is or can be will not attract favour. The Apostles and the disciples of the first church walked in great humility which should be the manner of believers. No matter how much sophisticated our hardware of ministry and its congregations are, this cannon is central to obtaining favour.
  4. Praising God: When all is said and done, forget not to ascribe praises and honour to God. Divers achievements should not overshadow the grace of God neither His centrality in our exploits. Do not be carried away by great exploits and forget the God of the great exploits. When He is exalted in our midst, He will invite many into the praise of His people… “And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.”

When the mannerism of a believer is contrary to the God given purpose, there will be obscurity on the believer and they become repellant to favour with God and men.
Let our mannerism be a reflection of the purpose of God as the body of Christ and the world we dread stepping into will come to us for a saving.

Hallelujah to God.


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